
Trondheim Voices & Mazur/Gustavsson/Balke

Three of our most interesting Nordic improvisers have composed music for eight Norwegian vocal improvisators!

The composers Mats Gustafsson, (Sweden) Jon Balke (Norway) and Marilyn Mazur (Denmark) are all unique within their style in the Scandinavian Improv-Scene, both as composers and performers. In this concert each one have composed a peace for, and with, the singers.

Jon Balke – ”Confabulation”
Marilyn Mazur – ”Voices”
Mats Gustafsson – ”Kilroy Is”

Premiered at Molde International Festival on July 16th, 2009

What the press says about Improvoicing:

“…Trondheim Voices set new standard for vocal presentations […] Mats Gustafssons piece is a revelation […] Trondheim Voices impressed…” – Jazznytt, July 21st, 2009

“…Trondheim Voices gave the most extraordinary experience so far, with their mind blowing performance of three compositions” – Dagsavisen, July 21st, 2009

“…The singers impressed with their well rehearsed performance, singing the challenging pieces of lyrics, music, harmonies, rhythm with precision and authenticity” – Dagbladet, July 21st, 2009

“…From the ice cold to the including. In total a triumph for the specter and duality of the human voice […] each singer is good, but it is as an ensemble they really shine. Trondheim voices show a limitless openness and expand the definitions of the vocal role. This makes them excitingly unpredictable, it sharpens the senses and it’s a joy to listen to.” – Adresseavisen, July 17th, 2009

“…Improvoicing is a wonderful contribution to a yet unexplored field in the jazz; the vocal ensemble” – Moldejazz, 2009