Space Unfolding

Residency at Whitebox in Munchen

In june -16 Trondheim Voices did a one week residency in cooperation with Whitebox in Munchen. The ensemble worked together with artist in residency Asle Karstad and German visual artist Laurenz Theinert in creating a sensoric and unpredictable open space for the audience.

The project was initiated by Whitebox which is renewing the urban space of Munchen through an extensive cultural programme. Trondheim Voices is honored be able to instigate this process through their Maccasolve-project conceptualized together with sound designer Asle Karstad.

The wireless controller Maccasolve creates the possibility of building further on the yearlong experiences this ensemble has made through several improvisational projects.Developing a whole new technology makes it possible for the singers to work physically free and with electronic manipulation of ones own ”Voice-sound” in close cooperation with the sound of the designer/sound technician.

The cooperation with Asle and Arnvid Lau Karstad og Maccaphone AS is a natural and important continuation of the ensembles long-lasting work to investigate and expand the use of voice, body, space and improvisation. This process also expands and destabilizes the concepts of concert/performance, stage, actor and audience.