The remarkable and ever-innovating sound artist, Christina Kubisch is known for her electrical walks, evolving since the early 1970s, where you can hear the otherwise inaudible electromagnetic noise of the environment through specially designed headphones.

While researching electromagnetic waves in Trondheim, she uncovered the sound of the tram from the city centre to the surrounding hills. They were so impressive and musical that she immediately decided to base her piece for Trondheim Voices on this discovery. The vocal ensemble Trondheim Voices then ‘sang along’ to Christina’s tram recordings, creating new vocal parts which went through several transformations, being rerecorded until the voices sounded ethereal and abstract. That stage is the starting point for Strømsanger (‘electrical singers’)

Strømsanger is composed by Christina Kubisch for Trondheim Voices (6 singers), and prerecorded electromagnetic sounds and voices.

Photo: Peter Adamik

Photo: Sissel Vera Pettersen

Photo: Peter Adamik